nonduality musings + pointers (updated 1.15.22)

Pointers are phrases that can be used to “go beyond” the intellectual mind to experience reality as it is, completely unconditioned. The most famous pointer is the simple question, “who am I?” The goal is not to form an intellectual/conceptual answer but to feel the answer. Using pointers is a form of self-inquiry, which I consider to be part of my three-pronged contemplative path. Below is a list of pointers that I’ve found useful. I’ll regularly add new pointers and clarifying instructions to this document.

The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer introduced me to this line of inquiry…

Who are you?


No, that’s your name. Who are you ?

I’m 5’9”, 165 pounds, bald, and white. 

No, that’s a description of your physical appearance. Who are you behind the description?

Ok, I was born in 1988 to Jay and Nancy. I played tennis growing up. I went to West Point, and then I was in the Army for five years before going to law school…

Those are facts about your life. You are not your name, appearance, beliefs, accomplishments, failures, thoughts, or beliefs. So really, who are you?

the void

Where do your thoughts come from? The void.

Where do your words come from? The void.

Where do your motivations come from? The void.

Where do your preferences come from? The void.

Where does your exhale come from? The void.

Where does your inhale go? The void.

Where do your words go? The world.

Where do your actions go? The world.

Everything “you” (the void) produce comes from the void. Everything “you” perceive goes to the void. What is the void? You are the void.  Everything “you” produce goes to the world. What is the world if not a collection of voids?

(I guess this is a poem…a first for me [aka the void], ha!)

list of short pointers

  • Where do you end and your thoughts begin? Where is the division? Pinpoint the location.

  • Who am I? 

  • Thoughts appear. Are they yours? Where is the thinker in relation to the thoughts?

  • Balance the internal and the external – experience equally what is within the confines of the body-mind and that outside the body-mind. 

  • Give your thoughts the same attention as physical sensations. 

  • Pinpoint the you feeling. Where is that feeling located? 

  • What is the source of your questions/from what do they arise? Disregard the answering of questions. 

  • Where is the division between the observer and the observed

  • Experience this moment without language. What is it like? (Don’t answer with internal language, just experience.)


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